Thursday, 23 May 2013

A Day in the life

Wake up. Do a bit of light hoovering

Fatigues on. Ready to maraud. Stop to admire giant rabbits first

Drive by and a flirt with my friend Charlie. I love Charlie

Paused to scoff my dinner. Saw off some of Daddy's aswell

Bit bushed. Had a power nap with my babies

Quick costume change. Kept on my welly boots. Naturally

Had a bit of dialogue with Mummy. She seemed to think I was ready for bed. Fool!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Something has got to give...

...and that's my excuse for not writing this blog for a good three months.

Between full-time work, being a full-time Mum, the W.I., various community-related endeavours and my entirely unnecessary penchant for things being spick and span and ironed to boot (and yes this does include everything from baby vests to bed sheets - I blame my parents), I find that I'm a little short on time these days. However, I had to find the time to share the latest Mim'isms.

She loves everybody, it's her favourite phrase. Always delivered with a very coy look. I am usually bottom of the list and certainly well after she's pronounced her love of sausages. It's galling to be quite frank but I accept this is how it is these days. Mummy is reliable, dependable and always there. Mummy is like white noise, dull every day white noise compared to the cacophony of new, varied and exciting sounds to be heard elsewhere.

Singing. The first line into our customary bedtime song (Crazy by Patsy Cline) she joined in, crooning along with me like a teeny, tiny pub singer. I laughed out loud in suprise and joy. Quite why this should be so joyous to me I can't explain but there you go, that's motherhood I suppose.

I've been singing Patsy Cline to her every night in lullaby since she was born, so it would seem that repetition, repetition, repetition really is the key. Not that this bodes well for the time its going to take for repetition to work on the discipline front. And we'll need it!

My Dad amused himself greatly the other day by telling me: "She's wilful that one, she's going to be trouble'
Me: 'Worse than me Dad?'
Dad:'Oh much, much worse!' (cue smug chuckling to himself)
